



    隨著 GPS、網際網路及手機等技術普及,自發性地理資訊(Volunteer Geographic Information, VGI)成為近年新興名詞,透過 Web 2.0 技術、網路公民概念發展,成為另類 GIS 資料收集的重要管道。國立臺灣師範大學福爾摩沙衛星二號影像加值處理分送中心對於整合空間資料目前已有相當之成果,為更進一步教育及推動跨越校園、領域的空間系統建置,擴大 VGI 在學術、研究、社會文化與產業等各個層面的應用,故與互動國際共同舉辦「第一屆全國大專自發性地理資訊創意競賽−青春不留白.用 VGI 彩繪互動雲端」。

   本活動結合地理資訊系統、 科學與服務,讓學生選擇自己有興趣之課題,盡情揮灑無限創意和創新應用,透過競爭與學習促成科學知識和在地知識的整合,推廣 VGI 分享、參與之精神,利用開放的雲端平台分享空間資訊、GPS 軌跡或線上數化等方式建立一個協同合作的資料庫,開創 GIS 的應用面向,讓師生可以加以萃取、儲存及利用。

  • 主辦單位:國立臺灣師範大學地理系暨福爾摩沙衛星二號影像加值處理分送中心
  • 協辦單位:高雄師範大學地理系,彰化師範大學地理系,東華大學臺灣文化學系,互動國際數位股份有限公司
  • 活動專線:02-2658-5858轉6661 活動信箱: Marketing@igis.com.tw
  • 報名截止日期:2013年7月12日


VGI 是一個新名詞,也是結合現代GIS 與網路技術的新產物,這種無所不在(ubiquitous)的地理資訊大大擴展了國土資訊系統的資料來源,直接助益於國土資訊系統的資料庫建置與資料更新 作業,而一般民眾也在不知不覺中成為「感測公民」(citizen as sensors),與專業的儀器監測形成互補作用,對於災害、生態甚至人類行為的監測分析等都提供了革命性的貢獻。
閱讀資料:NGIS的下一步~公眾參與( 臺灣地理資訊學會理事長蔡博文教授)






  • 主辦單位:中華民國地圖學會
  • 指導單位:內政部地政司
  • 協辦單位:
    中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心、大華技術學院、國防大學理工學院環資系及工程學系、台灣大學地理環境資源學系、台北市立教育大學歷史與地理學系、中國文化大學地理學系、中國文化大學數位地球研究中心、海軍大氣海洋局、軍備局生產製造中心、軍備局生產製造中心第401 廠、軍備局生產製造中心第402 廠、互動國際數位股份有限公司、台灣世曦工程顧問股份有限公司、瑞竣科技股份有限公司、恆晨儀器股份有限公司、開拓資訊有限公司




  • 報名時間:即日起至102年8月2日止。
  • 作品繳交:102年9月16日止。
  • 得獎名單:102年9月23日於地圖學會網站上公佈。
  • 頒獎日期:於本學會年會中頒發獎座與得獎證書。



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News:Lost medieval city found in Cambodia using revolutionary scanning technology and Indiana Jones-style jungle expedition

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 22:36 GMT, 15 June 2013 | UPDATED: 22:36 GMT, 15 June 2013

A group of daring archaeologists uncovered a lost 1,200-year-old city on a misty Cambodian mountain by hacking through the thick jungle, strewn with live land mines.

Yet they were also aided in their quest by some incredible technology that revealed the ancient city to them in the first place, and guided by a local - a one-legged former Khmer Rouge soldier.

Mahendraparvata, the city they found, is thought to pre-date the famous site of Angkor Wat by around 350 years and lies only 25 miles west of that huge temple.

Archaeologists believe Mahendraparvata was the first city of the Angkor Empire in 802 AD.

Technology: The airborne Lidar system revealed a long-forgotten urban landscape

Technology: The airborne Lidar system revealed a long-forgotten urban landscape

The Sydney Morning Herald reported exclusively the expedition, which began in earnest after the team used Lidar technology on a helicopter.

The Lidar system uses pulsing laser signals to see through the thick undergrowth, where it detected a distinct outline of the the long-forgotten city.

Damian Evans, director of the University of Sydney's archaeological research center in Cambodia, told the Morning Herald of his 'eureka' moment when the city appeared on his screen.

'With this instrument - bang - all of a sudden we saw an immediate picture of an entire city that no one knew existed which is just remarkable,' Evans said.

So his team headed into the perilous mountain countryside of Cambodia, along goat tracks, through deep bogs and around rivers, always avoiding the live land mines placed during previous conflicts.

They were helped in this by Heng Heap, a chain-smoking former Khmer Rouge soldier who lost a leg in mine explosion. Even the local was surprised by what the archaeologists took him to.

The team discovered a whole urban landscape with canals, roads, caves and, as yet unexplained, mounds which could be tombs.

Evans added that: 'There may be implications for society today... for example, we see from the imagery that the landscape was completely devoid of vegetation.'

The archaeologist had one explanation for this: 'One theory we are looking at is that the severe environmental impact of deforestation and the dependence on water management led to the demise of the civilisation … perhaps it became too successful to the point of becoming unmanageable.'

Location: Mahendraparvata lies in the Phnom Kulen mountain range in Siem Reap Province of Cambodia

Location: Mahendraparvata lies in the Phnom Kulen mountain range in Siem Reap Province of Cambodia

VIDEO: Finding a long-lost city in Cambodia

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