

Data Display@NTU大三研究方法

2009/6/3受邀至NTU大三<研究方法>課程講授Data Display之技巧。

1.Objectives, Questions of Data display and the use of GIS-the visualization of geo-historical data

–The representation of geographical data in various formats
–Methods of visualizing data by GIS
–Main Issues in operating Historical GIS

2.New Technologies and innovative ways for data display- the visualization of GPS data

–Understanding the advantages and limits of GPS
–The visualization of GPS data over time and space
–Displaying the POIs with web 2.0 technologies

An Introduction to Scientific Research Methods in Geography 之外,另外推薦三本一般GIS課程較少介紹的參考文獻,提供同學進階閱讀參考。

1.Historical GIS: Technologies, Methodologies and Scholarship
2.The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis: Vol1: Geographic Patterns & Relationships
3:The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis: Vol2: Spatial Measurement & Statistics

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image 相關範例的路徑連結如下:

有關Google Earth時空展示的進階應用,中研院的Google map/ earth觀察報有更精彩的介紹:http://gis.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/google/

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