在Web2.0 技術的快速發展下,電子地圖已成為免費並可輕易取得的網路基本服務。隨著Google map/earth 等創新地圖加值工具與商業化全球衛星定位(GPS)產品的普及,地理資訊的生產不但不再是地圖或測量專業者的專利,更進一步朝向結合時間與三維空間的資訊生產方向發展。在這同時,國科會所支持的國家型數位典藏計畫多年來也累積了大量的歷史檔案、老照片、地圖與航照等數位典藏,讓我們得以如走進時光隧道般,體驗過去的文史地景與文化風貌。在上述工具與內容皆已齊備的當下,如何運用這些嶄新的資訊工具於地方文史與數位典藏成果,已成為今日人文數位學習與數位典藏應用的重要議題。然而,數位典藏加值的過程並非只是單純透過web2.0 的民眾參與及分享機制而已,更需要一套有效的參考模組與具體的操作流程。
因此,本研究藉由執行教育部「文史脈流行動導覽平台建置計畫」的經驗,特別關注在GPS軌跡資訊的加值應用面向,嘗試建立一個整合地方文史數位典藏與GPS 資訊的實務方法。本研究首先討論GPS軌跡資訊特質及其與文史數位典藏整合的方式;接著說明GPS軌跡如何作為創意加值的媒介,進行時空定位、路徑飛覽等地理資訊的動態展現,賦予地方文史與數位典藏跨越時空的元素;最後以東台灣文化地景導覽為例,展示包含消逝、體驗與活化等主題景點的動態導覽遊程。在重視休閒生活與文化深度旅遊的當下,上述的創意加值流程可有效轉化過去普羅大眾不易接觸或難以理解的文史內容,展現web2.0 時代地方文史推廣的獨特面貌。此外,本研究也揭示了相較於過去數位典藏與GIS的整合成果,與GPS 資訊的加值整合將可更有效達成應用推廣的目的。
關鍵字: Web2.0、文史數位典藏、全球衛星定位系統(GPS)、時空導覽、老街與傳統聚落
A creative valued-added application for integrating the local historic archives and GPS track information: examples of tempo-spatial navigation of settlement heritages in Eastern Taiwan
Chun-Lin Kuo
The rapid advancement of web2.0 technology has driven the usage of electronic maps to become a free and convenient service on the internet. With the prevalence of Google map/earth and commercial GPS products, the production of geographic information is no longer dominated by cartographic experts or GIS developers, but also shifts into the phase of three dimensions with a temporal perspective. Today, the "National Digital Archives Programs" supported by National Science Council have cumulated a great quantity of historical images, documents, maps and aerial photos, which provide valuable materials for experiencing the historical landscapes and culture heritages through time and space. Since the tools and digital contents mentioned above have been well prepared, the promotion has become a critical issue in the present digital archives and humanities E-learning programs. However, the valued-added promotion of digital archives was not simply through the web2.0 interactive sharing or user collaboration on the World Wide Web, a series of effective referencing modules and specific procedurals are indispensable.
Based on the early fruit of performing the DEH project (An interactive mobile navigation service for demodulation and encoding heritage project,2008.12-2009.11), this study concentrates on the application of GPS tracks, for establishing a practicing methodology on integrating local historic digital archives and GPS information. Firstly, this study introduces the connotation of GPS tracks and the metadata of integrated digital archives; then GPS tracks are used as a creative value-added medium on finding the tempo-spatial locations and developing dynamic path navigations. Finally, the settlement heritages in Eastern Taiwan are represented as erased, experience and active POIs with a series of historic navigation tours. As a result, the above mentioned creative value-added flow can effectively transfer the previous unreachable historic contents into a deep cultural tourism with a unique web2.0 aspect of local historic activities. Furthermore, compared to the previous efforts of GIS, this study reveals that the GPS tracks may play more important role for the value-added application on digital archives.
KEY WORDS: Web2.0, Historic Digital Archives, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Tempo-spatial Navigation, Settlement Heritages
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